Monday, August 16, 2010


I have found a website that has been amazing in helping me and my home. Brad and Mindy mentioned this when I was at there house just last month. As soon as I got home I checked it out. She encourages us to just start where we are and jump in. I began with simply getting up and dressed. That sounds like a no brainer. But it is easy for me to roll out of bed put on lazy clothes and throw my hair in a bun. But for 2 weeks now I have made sure I get out of bed early, get dressed nicely with shoes on (the kind of getting dressed that causes my children to ask where are we put make up on and do my hair. The first thing she outlines is to shine my sink. So I put some elbow work into it and it is wonderful. It makes me want to keep it that way. I stocked the bathrooms with cleaner to wipe it down every morning, which takes 30 seconds if you do it everyday.Aaron is liking this new way of doing things. Just that stuff alone is giving me the energy and desire to do more. Our laundry is being kept up and put away. The house looks good and she is helping one day at a time, by cleaning one area really good a day. The goal is to be able to keep up a little each day. My house is clean and ready for company, most of the time. I even have more guiltless time to myself or to spend time with the family.

The real reward was this last Sunday. My mom called the week before and asked if I could host our family birthday party. I actually forgot untill Saturday. All day Saturday we were at the lake. No worries really. I made the cake before church:/ (that was actually cutting it close). I went quickly after church to get the decorations. BUT!! The one thing I was confident about was that my house was fairly clean. The kids did a quick straighting and it was ready. No hassle. That alone made my day. The cake was a different story, but thank goodness I didn't have to worry about the house.

My house by no means is perfect. I have a VERY busy house and I have to sweep and mop several days a week to keep it up. Laundry has to be done everyday(thanks to Flylady it is easier that way-but Aaron will tell you he has been telling me that for years-oh well:)) On any given day it is possible to have 10 pairs of shoes at the front door and a floor that needs to be vacuumed. During the school year there are school books everywhere. But, these are all things that can be put away and done in 15 minutes. Hurray!!

I encourage anyone who is in charge of running the household to begin to embrace it and look up Flylady. She makes it super easy!

1 comment:

  1. Amen, Sister! Isn't it so nice to be Company Ready?? Good for you!! :)
