One of our favorite things to do as a family is camping! We wish we could go more often. They all know the way we do things. We help with everything. Usually we go in the fall with my in-laws, unfortunately it didn't work out this time. But I guess the kids couldn't do with out it....Yesterday, the kids were complaining because "there is nothing to doooo". We told them to get over it and go outside. A few minutes passed and they came in and asked if they could put up a tent in the backyard. Aaron and I said that would be okay. (thank goodness we got rid of the trampoline, now we have space). They had so much fun!!Because it was Monday, they couldn't play in it long. Mondays are just really busy nights for us right now. They asked if they could leave it up, and I said okay.
This morning JD and Georgia raced to the tent to eat breakfast. Heehee, they closed just the screen part. Molly has only seen a tent once, and that was years ago. She just didn't understand. Why were they in there and how come she couldn't go in this strange thing that landed in our backyard....She doesn't bark at people( really, she just doesn't) so it looked very pathetic:( she just sat there staring at the doorway.
I let JD do some school work in there as long as he focused. He did great and it is still standing. I'm so proud of them for finding something different to do.