So what do south-texans do when the temperatures drop below freezing? Ummm...freak out! Power outages, close schools, cancel indoor activities so we don't have to go out into the "cold". I took JD and Georgia to basketball practice-in a gym- to find out they cancelled practice due to weather! Really? I found it odd, as did many other south-texans, that on the same day that it was 20 degrees and we were layered up from our socks to our chins, that I was doing laundry and washing Derek and Aaron's shorts from the day before. Derek doesn't even own a coat, not because we won't buy one but he is too cool to wear one. (I'm sure that will change when he gets his letter jacket) Georgia's bike was on the front sidewalk from the day before yet, yesterday it was definitely too cold to go out to play. Yesterday, before Aaron took Derek to school he turned on the sprinkler in the backyard so that it would make icicles drip from the tree house. The dogs' water bowl was frozen solid. The dogs slept and spent the last 2 days inside. Thankfully it wasn't wet outside and San Antonio wasn't really dealing with ice on the roads. Lots of people dealt with power outages and frozen pipes. We were very thankful that we didn't have those problems.
We enjoyed the warmth of our home. We kept a fire going. Georgia and JD weren't amused that I didn't call off school because of weather. They did enjoy the warmth of a fire while they did their schooling. That is the beauty of homeschooling! JD became very good at helping with the fire. I wouldn't really believe a child is an expert with a fire, but he was pretty good. If you have ever seen him by a fire you would agree his is a pyromaniac. But he was being very safe and supervised.
We are very much hoping and praying for snow. Since we got to play in the snow a few weeks ago we very much look forward to it again. We loved it! We will see....