Saturday, April 23, 2011

Well, it's late and we have to get up sooo early. But, that is the story of my life. Not enough hours in the day. But that is okay. My hands, as well as the kids' hands are covered in dye and all the plastic eggs are stuffed and ready. Easter Bunny came with goodies...;).

Even though our house is still a crazy mess because our flooring is still pending. But we found a little space for egg dying and made a work bench for Georgia's spot. Georgia was able to jazz her eggs up with glitter and tattoos. JD was excited to do
3D decorations! We had quite a selection this year. Check out the pics:)

The night is over, kids are showered and tucked in. We are all expecting tomorrow to be the most exciting day. Our excitement does not come from our Easter baskets and the Easter Bunny. The most important focus is on our Lord Jesus Christ! His victory over death! Because of the suffering and his death we are forgiven!!! He is ALIVE!! No greater gift could ever be given. Thank you to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit 3 in one. Amen!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Umm, Excuse Me But Temper Tantrums are for Toddlers

Quite a long title but I had no other way to put it. I have been just all stirred up over these recent bumps in the road. I have spent the last two weeks trying to hang in there and going along with every change in plans. But this weekend I lost it. I made up my mind to be angry and frustrated. I kept staring at every flaw in the house. If you have been through remodeling or getting ready to sell, you know what I mean. It feels like the whole house is falling apart. But it isn't, not even close. I had such a crying spell that I really didn't want to be around anyone. To be honest, I am sure I wouldn't have been pleasant company. Aaron and the kids have tried to steer clear of my tantrums but enough is enough. This is for babies!

Aaron lovingly reminded me of the many blessings we have. And, my hope should be in God to provide not ourselves. I was convinced that repairs should be moving faster. I was overwhelmed yet God's word tells me not to worry, He will take care of everything. I really should be thankful, I was not acting thankful even though I knew I should be thankful.

We are blessed:

To have God on our side to fight our battles for us.
That Aaron only injured his knee and not his back or anything else.
That Derek was not injured as well in this moment of fun.
That we new a personal friend to arrange an immediate appointment with a specialist
Thankful that I am a homemaker and have the flexibility to drive Aaron everywhere.
Thankful that the kids have been sooo good through all of this.
Thankful that only our bedroom and bathroom and only a tiny bit of living room flooded.
Thankful for no damage to furniture.
Thankful for home insurance. (and the blessing of new flooring)
Thankful for a personal friend who can give us a great deal on our flooring.
Thankful for Aflac to help with expenses for the medical costs.
Thankful that Aaron is up and moving well enough to be off crutches.
Thankful we can all participate in all the Easter festivities.
Thankful that I have a wonderful husband who had the courage to approach me in my tantrum.

Counting our blessings is really good therapy for my heart and emotions. We have been through way worse. We will get through this stressful time and God will be with us every step of the way.