Friday, September 2, 2011

Rambo and Ram-z

Well, if you don't know those names it is because you have not had the pleasure of meeting them and/or seeing them in action. I am sooo proud of them. Derek is Rambo and Matt is Ram-z. They are the Marshall Rams!! Football season is here and so is all the excitement that comes along with it. Sitting in the bleachers you can hear the band play songs that just want to make you boogie! The dance team and pep squad put on a great show. And the cheerleaders lead us all in school spirit. Our football team seems to be fighting pretty hard however has yet to produce a win. I know they can do it.

So, I get asked (as well as Derek), how do they do that in the costume when it is sooooo stink'n hot?? Well, they don't stay in the suit for long. They take breaks. They also wear a water pack on their backs and wear ice packs as well. They stay really hydrated.

Last week, they were able to get in the stands and hug lots of children and jam out with the fans. Rambo got carried away and knocked over a trash can! Oh well. It was really cute to see the little kids just run up and give him so much love. It was also Alyssa's first football game. He stopped to take a quick picture.

I am so proud of him. This is not just putting on a costume and goofing around. These guys come up with new skits every week. New material, props, and new presentation. A lot of time and effort goes into this. I am really proud of them and how hard they work, together.