Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! Welcoming the new year always comes with a sigh of relief and hope for tomorrow. Most people have a slight determination to do something differently even if they say they don't make a new year's resolution. We had quite a year! I could whine through this whole blog about our sorrows this year. I could list in detail everything that went wrong this year. Most people would agree that we had it a little rough. But, the truth is God blessed us more! I never understood provision (and there is way more to learn) like I do now. God provided for us in ways I didn't imagine. Several times Aaron and I had to look at each other and remind us it was real. Brakes on the van went out twice, Aaron tore his ACL requiring surgery and out of work from April 1 to July, our bedroom flooded, tile in the upstairs bathroom caved in, I had ear surgery(got a new eardrum), our family dog passed away.....those are the major ones that stick out in my mind. BUT, we got laminate flooring in the living room and brand new carpet everywhere else for a crazy steal of a deal from a friend in the business. Insurance paid for it. God sent an angel to completely replace the tile in the upstairs bathroom (that happened when Aaron couldn't even walk). Thankfully, Aaron had plenty of sick leave and that silly white duck Afflac paid off! My ear surgery is successful but has had quite a recovery as well. Derek was blessed with a free truck. The added blessing is he can now legally drive himself everywhere. Aaron was also blessed with a truck. Not free but super good deal.  We couldn't put a price on our dear Rita. She was a blessing and I will need to do a whole different blog entry to honor her. But, because her cause of death was unknown, we took Molly in and made sure she was healthy and caught up on shots and all. She has definitely got all of our attention. I am not ready to get another dog yet.

Ultimately, God is in charge of my 2012, he was obviously in charge of 2011. If it is good or bad, I have had just enough proof that I can wait on Him to tell me what to do next. I am ready to put 2011 behind me. I am ready to count the blessings too. Onward we go into the next year!! Can't wait to see what it holds.

We rang in the new year out in Poteet with some of our best friends. It felt good to be there again. I got to see one of my very best friends in the whole world. JENNA!  The whole Davidson/Smith crowd was there. JD and Beaux got to hang out again! Hope you enjoy our pictures!!

Me and my BFF Jenna! (pregnant with #5!!!)

Katie, Sharon,Julia,Kate, Emily, and Daniel

Cliff, Jenna, and the twins Becca and Gunner

JD and Best Bud Beaux

ready for fireworks!

Kate Kate, Julia, Georgia, JD

Truett, Malcolm, Ian,Beaux, JD