Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Spring Break!

This last week was filled to the brim. My brother Alex came to visit us for the week. This is his Senior year and he wanted to do some fun stuff for Spring Break. Ian, my nephew, was with us for the first 2 days.

Monday, we went to Fiesta Texas. Keeping up with 5 kids at a theme park was something else... Alex was much more adventurous this time than a couple of years ago. The park was super crowded so we didn't get to ride as much as we would have liked to but, we each got to go on a few. I would say that Alex and Georgia got to do a little more because he was an awesome uncle and went on all the little rides with her.

Tuesday, Derek and Alex decided to take a ride on the Via bus to see downtown. Neither of them had ever taken the bus before. With lunch money in hand they set off to find downtown all by themselves. Derek tried to play a trick on me by calling to tell me they were lost in a terrible part of town. My heart dropped! Then he said he was kidding. Hey! That's not funny!

Wednesday, was just a day of running errands. I had a doctor appointment and then we took Alex shopping. We also did a little shopping to get ready for baseball. We closed the day with an evening Lent service at our church.

Thursday, Alex and Derek went to a friend's house to enjoy some time with the guys. Then they had to babysit as I went to Georgia's practice and then my mom's night out. With it being St.Patrick's day, Aaron was gone playing his bagpipes all night.

Friday was alot of laying around. We were all very tired and knew we had a very busy weekend ahead of us. I had alot to do but everyone else got to rest. Then I got to go spend time with Lori(Happy Birthday) and Melissa.

Time went by so fast. Alex got a good taste of how busy we are but it was great to spend time with him. I love spending time with family. We stayed up several times just talking. I love stuff like that.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Softball and Baseball season is here! I love this time of year!! Up untill this year all three of the kids were playing. Those were REALLY busy times. This year we will be busy but a new kind of busy. JD decided to sit this season out. Derek has moved on from playing and just began his first real job! Now he is an umpire! That's pretty cool. It was neat to see him as a different part of the game. Of course, I had to take pictures. All of the sudden he looked older.:/ (no tears, no tears)

Georgia started softball. This will be her 4th year(if you include T-ball). Practices have been underway for a few weeks and her first game is Saturday.

Now we will be busy running her to practice and games, Derek to games, me to church activities, plus it is Lent so we will be busy on Wednesday nights for church. JD and Georgia will still do handbells and choir. I won't even go into how busy Aaron's schedule is. I'll be back to buying snacks and gatorade in bulk and making dinner to go. Our van begins to be cluttered with baseball equippment, empty bottles and random sunflower seeds. CRAZY. Can you imagine our schedule when they were all three playing?! Insane.

They enjoy it and we wouldn't do all this if they didn't. The point is to have fun. It really is fun!

Monday, March 21, 2011


Last year Derek heard that no one had tried out for mascot. He thought it would be really fun so he asked if he could try out. They said it was too late but he could try out next year. He has a great personality for it. So he worked long and hard on his project. He had to create a skit and music and make his own props. Aaron showed him how to mix his music. I helped him glue things on his props.

His theme was an Ipod. He included four apps and acted them out. Facebook- his status was "Ram Pride", Angry Birds, RockBand, and You Tube. Of course, it just doesn't do it justice if I explain it all. The practice-tryouts are completely closed. I shouldn't have even seen the skit. However, God opened a little window and I saw all I wanted:) It was soo neat to see him all decked out in his costume and doing the skit he rehearsed over and over. Hopefully, I will be able to get a picture and even a video to show off.

The day of the try out he was pretty nervous. There were 5 or 6 trying out for 2 spots. His buddy Matt was trying out too. I prayed that they would both make it.
Sure enough, they DID!!!! He was soo proud.

Today he will be saying good-bye to football. He now begins something new and fun. I'm so proud of you DEREK!!!!