Thursday, March 1, 2012


Fundraising has begun!! Each team member is responsible for raising the funds to go on the trip. Since there are five of us going, we have to get to work. We kicked off our sales in December with hot chocolate sales. We got to school early with our coats and gloves ready and sold hot chocolate. We got a great response! Tacos are a big part of our Shepherd family on Sundays. The whole team has taken this task on. This is great for fundraising but it also serves the needs of our family here at Shepherd. . Georgia led a fundraiser in her 4th grade class. The coin drive was quite a success!! The children donated all the coins they could find. She also had a friend each day for a week take donations in our parent pick up after school. I am so proud of her dedication!

We are soo thankful for the donations that have come to us in response to our letter to you!! God has made your gift a part of his plan in this mission. You are on our team as well by your support. If you have not received a letter it is because I don't have your address. Please let me know I can send you the information about how to be a part of this mission!

Coming soon is a talent show. If you have a talent begin practicing, we cannot wait to see it!!

Please continue to pray for our preparations and for the mission God has set before us.

Humbly in His name,
