Saturday, October 23, 2010

Georgia's Dance/Cheer at Varsity Game!

Today was a super exciting day for Georgia, ok ok me too. The old cheerleader and dance team member in me stirred up some excitement too. She participated in the cheer and dance day for Marshall highschool. They got to spend the day with the highschool girls and learn cheers along with dance routines. Georgia was super excited to find out her group was dancing to a Justin Bieber song! I kinda think she enjoyed singing along more than the dance. But that's okay;)

The neat thing was she got to groove at the Varsity game that night, too.! She was excited for the whole experience. I did her hair and even talked her into wearing a bow. ( she never does that) Then we decorated her face with make up. She is a pro at that by now. I only need to help with mascara.

She didn't even seem nervous. She paired up with her buddy, a cute cheerleader named Chloe- who happens to be in Derek's health class. They got prepared on the field and I was ready with the camera in hand. I got 5 seconds in and received a nasty message on my camera. Memory card full! Ugh, I tried the quick run through of what previous pictures all the sudden were not important anymore, however I was not fast enough. I called it quits and just watch my baby. I don't know who was more nervous me or her. My heart pounded so hard, it could burst. Oh, the pride!!

These are the days that I count my blessings for the little beautiful girl, God has blessed me with! I love you Georgia and I am so proud of you!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Great Day S.A.

Today we went on a field trip to another one of our news stations. This time we went to Kens 5 and had the privilege of sitting in the live audience of the morning show, Great Day S.A.! It truly was great!!

At 8:45 A.M. they ushered us into the audience seating area. It was quite a sight to see all the camera guys rushing around. They were doing mic checks on all the guests for the show and the hosts of course looked great. It was really neat to see them in person. We all clapped and cheered when they told us to. The camera zoomed in right on Georgia. The camera guy gave her a 30 second warning and told her to SMILE BIG! She looked beautiful!! This isn't the first time she has shown off her winning smile... JD got to hold the camera! Boy, he was so excited!He's already great with a camera. Who knows, maybe we have a future camera guy.. We got a good idea of how much every second counts when they run a TV show. They had every segment timed exactly. If every single person didn't do their job well, it wouldn't work. Kudos to all of them, they did great!!

It was a Great Day in S.A. and we enjoyed every second of it!!

Monday, October 18, 2010

The Quiet After the Storm...

I know the saying is supposed to say the quiet be for the storm. Maybe there was quiet before the storm of last week but I don't I stated in an earlier blog entry that I fell and hurt my shoulder on Wednesday. I don't have time to be hurt. Life goes on with out my help or not. Wednesday was spent at the doctor then on the couch. Thursday was spent slowly for me as well. By the time we got home from JD's doctors appointment I was ready to keep pushing myself to move on. I moving around okay but I still had to miss hand bell practice. That's one of the highlights of my week! I love going to hand bells! There was no way I could ring a bell this week. I did however get to attend Mom's night out.-so fun. And then my weekend took off like a tornado!

Friday started with a park day with other homeschoolers, major grocery shopping, lunch with JD and Georgia at McDonald's, pick up Derek from school, Georgia had a friend spend the night,and date with my honey watching the Rangers play the Yankees- boo they lost- prob because I was talking smack.

Saturday involved a trip to the pharmacy, pick up roses for Georgia, pick up Aaron from work, go to Georgia's gymnastics meet, go to a pumpkin patch to pick out our pumpkins, to the feed store for hay, and then home to watch the Rangers play the Yankees-I kept my mouth shut till the game was over.

Sunday we enjoyed church and a relaxing day at home. Sundays are my favorite day of the week. A fresh start.

Today we went subject by subject retracing what assignments they completed while I was down. They were really good about keeping up. I was really proud of their math and language "homework". Thank goodness for routine! They have a routine everyday that we follow. They knew what and where their assignments were and got them done, asking for help when they needed it. JD finished of 3 books the Diary of a Whimpy Kid and well, lets just say Georgia got all sorts of art I hesitated to give Georgia her grammar test today but went ahead and gave it to her. She helped me grade it anxiously. She was relieved to get a 90. "Few!!!", she said. (meaning whew!) I didn't have the heart to tell her she mispronounced, it was too cute!

I love my job!