Friday, December 30, 2011

Operation De-clutter and Christmas Clean Up

What better way to start out the new year than with a cleaned up home. I try to take the time during the summer and Christmas breaks to go through things. I usually start with the kids rooms and go from there. Sometimes I can have the kids with me but most of the time I sneak it in while they are gone. Fortunately for me, Georgia was super cooperative this time and we did it together on our girl day. JD just needed some help from a fairy while he was gone. I usually find all kinds of treasures! Trash, broken toys, unwanted toys, and such. Today, I found a tooth! Yikes, I guess I owe him some tooth fairy money. Mostly his room just needs some extra help organizing his legos. But, I must be careful not to interrupt any battle scenes. I usually find some sort of weird art made of silverware or shoes. I always find a science experiment in Georgia's room. It is neat to come across memories and that tends to slow me down. BUT, I must move on.

I accomplished quite a bit! 2 bedrooms, a closet that has been screaming for help for quite awhile, took down Christmas decorations, laundry, and the normal dishes then dinner and then dishes again. Whew! I am tired. I have one more day until 2012! I hope to have everything done and ready to go. What peace I look forward to January 1st!!

I can't wait see my dear friends in Poteet to ring in the New Year!! I hope you have a great New Years! - Don't forget your black-eyed peas!!!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Christmas 2011 Summary

Every year Christmas is a big deal. It has been since the birth of our dear Savior, Jesus Christ! Praise the Lord! We kicked off our Christmas celebrations by praising his name in music. JD, Georgia, and I all play the handbells in our church handbell choir. We begin practicing our pieces in September. This year both the adult and childrens' choir did a piece together. What a blessing to worship together!!


Christmas Eve was spent with Aaron's parents Tim and Chris. We all gathered at their house for a great turkey dinner and shared gifts with each other. Georgia was super excited about her new hair dryer and Bop It game. JD loved his new lego set. Derek was super excited about his new memory foam pillow. Aaron and I recieved some much needed kitchen items.  Aaron got a really cool irish t-shirt and I got a much needed laptop case! Tim got some travel accessories and a sweater vest (which I later found out was made in Peru!) Chris got jammies and a new yoga mat. We had a great time and are in enjoying our new gifts! Thank you!!
After a wonderful time, we headed out to our Christmas Eve Candlelight service. What a beautiful service it was!! Full of singing and a great sermon! The service ended with each person (710 people!) holding candles and singing traditional songs as a reflection of our dear Savior's birth.
 Christmas morning awoke with great suprises!! Both JD and Georgia recieved Ipod 4Gs and Derek recieved a netbook from Santa. Aaron and I finally took the plunge and got a new TV!  After our gift exchange we got ready for church. After all, it is Jesus's birthday!! Aaron preached a great sermon that morning!

We then went to my mom's house and exchanged gifts. Alyssa and Marley got their very first Build-a-Bears. We (except Aaron) got Fiesta Texas season passes!! Aaron got a much desired chronilogical bible. Melissa blessed me with a minstry wives devotional and other well recieved goodies! It was super exciting to spend time with everyone and enjoy Alyssa and Marley's first Christmas!