Sunday, May 15, 2011

What and Who is My Faith In?

We have experinced an overwhelming amount of struggles. I know that there are many that are struggling with worse. We have an ivy plant that we have placed in the window sill of our shower. I am terrible with plants but thankfully they are hard to kill:). Every now and then it begins to look droopy so I give it some water and it perks up. When it seems to be dying there is nothing it can do but wait for someone to water it. Our life lately has been the same. The circumstances we experince have really been out of our control. We have to wait on doctors, insurance benefits and approvals, and many more. There was nothing we could do but wait it out. We waited mostly on God. I sat one day and began to count our blessings. An amazing doctor, new flooring, a marriage that is being strengthed with every need there is to be met, the flexablity of homeschooling so we can do school anywhere, lots of insurance and so on. In the midst of our trials we have so many to be thankful for. I'm sure the average person would think of the insurance companies and contractors with amazing discounts and for a moment I could see the possiblitly of placing the "heroic" acts first. However, there was no way that I could rule out God. None of that would have really worked in our favor without the amazing power of God. Hands down, He gets all the credit.

Ephesians 6:12 says, For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the forces of the evil in the heavenly realms.- God is fighting this battle way more than we can understand. These struggles are not just because of our behavior or choices we made.(except the knee injury Aaron has:/) We are just going through a tough time, but God has a plan. We have complete trust in him and all he can do and provide for us.

Who do you put your trust in? Your neighbors, friends, and family. They are all a tremdendous help however only God can truely pull you through with peace, confidence, hope, and perservarance.