This week marked a new start for us as a family and individually. I started my new job as a childcare worker for our daycare. I help take care of the 18mos through 24 mos. They are truly adorable. I am blessed to only work 8 to noon. I get a few hours to myself before the kids get out of school.
The night before school was when the real excitement began. Showers done, uniforms layed out, and back packs ready. Georgia talked me into allowing her to paint her fingernails blue. She needed to put her fashion in there some how. They got to bed on time with out any objections. I was surprised that Georgia slept through the night. Thank goodness she got a good night's rest.
6:00 a.m. came bright and early. I admit to hitting the snooze button at least once. I got the kids up while Aaron began preparing a wonderful breakfast. Georgia needed me to straighten her hair for her first day. Once they were completely ready I was able to get myself ready. Aaron called us to the table for a feast of home made french toast, eggs, bacon, and orange juice. Boy, did we feel special!!
Off we went. The parking lot was packed. There were plenty of parents there to take pictures and see their kids off to their classes. Georgia was plenty nervous. She knew a few kids so she just followed their lead. JD (:/ Justin) jumped right into a game with the other boys and made new friends. They did great and were very excited to tell us all about it. Georgia even came home with a little homework:).
I was on pins and needles waiting to pick them up to hear about their day. Thankfully they were glad to share. This will be a great year.!!! God has really blessed them with a great school, excellent teachers, and new friends. Thank you God!!