Friday, November 23, 2012

Mary or Martha?

This evening after the kids fell asleep to a movie, I went to my room and locked the door. I then, went to my closet to sort through the things I bought today. Black Friday had taken it's toll. I sat down and then got comfortable and enjoyed the silence. I reflected on our Thanksgiving Day. -I had done everything I planned. I had the privilege of having dinner at our home. It went perfect! Aaron was off, I was prepared and made the turkey ahead of time, my in-laws came over, and I even had our leisure time planned. I won the argument, Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade v.s. football. We compromised because the Cowboys were playing in the afternoon and the Longhorn's even later than that. After we ate, we had an amazing time of worship with music. Aaron played the guitar while we all picked our favorite songs and hymns and sang along. JD even found songs to play his trumpet. (he has gotten quite good at playing by ear). The guys watched football and slept while Chris and I cleaned up the kitchen and my china.  We spent time at my mom's house enjoying dessert.

I thought about all of that and then wondered, what am I missing? I didn't forget to pray or give thanks for our many blessings. I love the Lord with all my heart, I know he was and is the reason we can celebrate Thanksgiving. The story of Mary and Martha came to mind. -Mary and Martha welcome him into their home. Martha is busy getting the house ready, just right for Jesus. Mary was sitting at his feet listening to what he was talking about. Martha gets upset and Jesus tells her she is worried about too many things. Mary had made the right choice. - Was that it? I could have spent more time enjoying my time with the Lord that day, ALL day. It was all around me. I stayed busy to make sure it was a perfect day. I don't really think there is anything wrong with either one. I may have missed out on other blessings. Mary and Martha both loved Jesus. They just expressed it differently that day. Jesus was telling Martha she was missing out on his time with her. Balance is probably the biggest thing but there are times we should set it all down and be still.

We have lots of distractions. On any given day you could probably ask me about our schedule. Every time you will get the same answer. Busy, Aaron is a firefighter and one of the pastors at our church. I work part-time, Derek is a senior and works, JD and Georgia both have school and usually sports. We are proud active members of our church. God has blessed us dearly and I do not want to take that for granted. Everyday I need to pray for balance.

This holiday season, I choose to pay attention. Is this a time to be Martha-trying to be organized and get things done- or Mary - be still. I love a God that loved us first. And Mary and Martha loved him too. Christmas is when we are reminded of when God sent his only son Jesus. That baby grew to die on a cross for me and you. That's what I need to stop and think about. And, boy, am I thankful for that!