Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Saying Good-bye to 5th Grade

The beginning of this year was bittersweet. We parted ways with our homeschooling years and moved forward into private school. Boy it went by fast!! It was quite an adjustment. At home his assignments were given and he completed one before he started another. At school he had to finish it at home. Keeping up pace in a group setting is different than on his own. He was usually done with all his school work by 1:00, with some breaks. But, that was probably the biggest adjustment. The LONG day. But, he really enjoyed art, p.e everyday, and band. He managed to make all A's and B's. I thought he did great for having to make such a big adjustment. His teacher, Mrs. Rodriguez, was already a family friend. We were delighted she would be his teacher. She had her first baby this year so JD also had the blessing of Mrs. Cahill as a substitute. We are thankful for their great team work.
 He did a major invention project this year, he made a hot air ballon out of Legos. He also made a video series completely made with Legos of the Holy Week. (and went to Lego Land for his birthday)

This year he participated in:
Card Club
Baseball (pictures to come after he gets his award)
Drama Club
Several fundraising for our Mission trip with the church to Haiti!
And continues to be a book worm!!
Went on the 5th/6th grade Camp Lonestar retreat.

All of this kept him pretty busy but he had a wonderful time! Here are some pictures of this wonderful year!!
gaga ball at camp lonestar

Canoes at camp lonestar

golf at Incredible Pizza with Zach
A hunting game with Zach
Lego Land!

basketball award with Coach Knowles

Jammin out to Bohemian Rapsody

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Pastor Aaron Tilt

On my last post, I stated he was certified. Today's ceremony officially ordained Aaron, Doug, and Craig. Doug is the school pastor and they called him Mr. B. One of the pastors visiting called them Pastor A, Pastor B, and Pastor C.  That had not occurred to me! Too funny! I just thought I might share with you a little about our day. Some of you were toooo far away to attend. Share in our blessing here.

This morning was a normal church morning so we all headed out to Sunday school and Aaron was staying for the service. I figured God wouldn't be too upset with me if we skipped out this morning to be more prepared for the afternoon. Thank goodness all my cleaning was done ahead of time. Now I just needed to get ready to have family over for lunch and the kids to do some last minute stuff. Derek had his girlfriend Savannah there to help. He went and picked up the lunch while I made a place for it.
Once the family arrived and Aaron was able to get home, we dug in. I waited untill Aaron finished his lunch and I couldn't take it any longer!! The kids and I had a suprise for him!! We had a friend make a stole for him. This was a unique gift!  We made cut outs of our hands and feet. She placed these on colored fabric to represent all four church seasons. I can't thank her enough for using her talents to make this gift. Thank you Ramona!!

After lunch and visiting with our family, it was time to head out to the church. We had plenty of seats reserved for our family. I then needed to meet up with the other wives to see what our role would be in the ceremony. I have had many people ask me, "Are you ready to be a Pastor Wife?" I even read several books. I was worried about what would be expected. Quite honestly, I have too much normal wife and mom things to do. We have great examples of pastor wives in our church already. Sharon and Ashley are wonderful Godly women!! So, I have decided it is okay to be me. To be the wife and mom I have been and continue to support his ministry. To be his helpmate in new ways that God reveals to me everyday. Whether I am a pastor wife or not.

The service started with music that was so majestic you felt like you had a glimps of heaven. God has generously blessed our church with talented musicians. You can feel the worship flowing from every organ note, trumpet sound, typhanny boom, bell rang, string instrument, flute fluted, and surrounding choir members singing. To see and hear all the Lutheran pastors in the area proceed to the front of the sanctuary singing was quite overwhelming. Soon, they were kneeling at the feet of the man who would be ordaining them. All of the pastors took turns laying their hands on them and giving enouraging words of wisdom and scripture. The Board of Elders and Deaconess presented them with a gift as well. Then they called the wives to come and place the official stoles on them. While placing the stole (very neatly I might add) the pastor tells us we may kiss our husbands if we would like. I'm sure I was red in the face. I gave him a quick peck. I'm pretty sure it landed somewhere completely unromantic, like his eye  or nose. Thankfully he was facing the altar, no one saw.:)  I red all over again once they were able to get up and bring us roses!! I love roses! Sweet.

What a special day. He is thankfull for all of the cards, gifts, encouragement and prayer. We enjoyed one gift of wine tonight! We are excited to see what God has planned for this journey!! Here are some pictures of the service.