Friday, March 16, 2012

Is it worth it?

Well, it's almost 11p.m.. I am so tired but glad the day has come to an end. This is the story of my life these days. But it is so worth it. Since we decided to go ahead and put the kids in school I don't mind chasing toddlers all morning (which is fun by the way). It is important that we chose a school that gives the kids a christian education and they have teachers that genuinely care about them. They are very busy with school and sports. I don't mind taking them to 2 hour practices and some how making it work when they have games at the same time in different locations. ( and the nasty laundry that comes with it). I think it is worth it to have them involved with the life around them, learn teamwork, respect for coaches, and what it means to work hard for something. I love our church and the business that comes with it. Some of our biggest blessings have come from our church family. So, at the end of the day, I sit tired and sometimes stressed. I look to the only refuge that keeps me going. The Father above. My rock, shield, sustainer, and savior.

Next weekend I will stand in front of the first of several college campuses to visit. This will be a day I have waited for. 17 years ago, I wondered if my son would have a chance to really be something.Having him so young left me wondering what he would be like. I am so proud of him. Sometimes I am prideful and give myself a pat on the back for pushing so hard to shape him into the man he is. God ultimately gets the credit. He cared for him, gave him wisdom, and opened doors for him to pursue Him. I prayed so hard that God would have big plans for him. I know He will. This all reminds me everything I do, every time I'm tired, and every time I keep going, it is worth it.

How about you? What keeps you going?