Saturday, July 24, 2010

Georgia's Birthday Party

Today we celebrated Georgia's birthday here at home! She first celebrated it on July 4th with Papa King and Sheila(and family). Fireworks were great! Today she celebrated with everyone in San Antonio! There were about 60 people! She and the other kids bobbed for apples, jumped on the trampoline, played football and so on. We had hotdogs and cupcakes. And of course...presents!! Thank you to everyone for a good time. Georgia says," this was the best day!" She concluded her party with swimming and neighborhood friends. Needless to say....Aaron and I are pooped.
Happy Birthday Georgia!!!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Lego Success!!

It took three days to finish this lego ship! I have had plenty of times when I almost vacuumed up tiny parts or thrown them away. I won't do that again. I have a new respect for these projects. JD wanted to rebuild this large Star Wars ship. It was hard when it was new, but super hard 1 year later!Now it's finished and both of our backs hurt:) Thanks for a fun time JD!!- but seriously now the mess has to be cleaned up.......eek!

Why do I homeschool?

We decided to home school two years ago. We are now on our third year. We are asked all the time, "why?". Well, JD and Georgia both started out in private school, a really good one. After lots of prayer we decided that I would be a stay-at-home mom. I'm not totally against public school, my oldest is in public high school. But we absolutely disagree with a lot of the public school system- I'll go into that another time. We believe we can give them a quality education at home while they are young. This gives us lots of time to teach them morals and christian values. It is an honor to be their teacher and see the blessings of their learning personally. I taught them to read, write, add, subtract, multiply, and so on! I will cherish that forever. I realize not everyone can or feels the desire to home school, I feel blessed to do it. In the future we will probably put them back in school-private school. My goal is to keep them home until middle school. We feel like we are setting a great foundation. Derek is doing great in high school! I still have plenty of the same issues about public school with his age but we work around it and he is old enough and mature enough to work through it with us. He loves school and we are proud of him and his accomplishments!

Yesterday I finally started to get organized for this next school year!This was a great feeling! I got all my cirriculum organized and made a list of supplies that we need. We do have the blessing of reusing our supplies but I still like to stock up when everything is on sale. I try to stay as organized as possible. Every homeschooler has their own way of doing things. I like to have a routine. Although summer is a great break, I really look forward to a routine again!

I have the best kids and feel blessed by God!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Swim team superstars!

Tonight was our last night for swim team! They did super! Ian was super good and best improved on the breast stroke! JD did really great as always on breast stroke, which is really not his favorite. Georgia was first out of six with the free style. I am really impressed! I could never do that:/. Way to go!!

Special Invitation

Today I received a special invitation. I don't receive this invite very often. JD came to me and asked me to build Legos with him! He usually does this on his own when he wants to be by himself. I immediately dropped what I was doing and followed him. Kids tend to decide when they want you all by themselves. I heard once, that you can plan all you want but they are the ones who schedule those special times. We had a lot of fun and it was so special. I love you JD!

Monday, July 19, 2010


I am excited to share my blog with my friends and family! We keep ourselves quite busy. Each one of us has exciting things going on. I'm so proud of our home. We are pretty intentional when it comes to our lifestyle. We look to Christ to lead our home and guide our relationships. I look forward to sharing it. I have some cousins that enjoy blogging. I have been able to keep up with what is going on with them through their blog. Sounds like a great way to keep in touch! I look forward to sharing about my walk with Christ, my husband, my children, my crazy world. My husband is a San Antonio Firefighter and studying to be a pastor. I have a teenage boy navigating his way through high school. My second son is 9 and is quite the Star wars expert and clone of my husband. I have a daughter that is 8 and has an artistic and wild personality. We stay pretty involved with our church. Surprisingly we have animals that survive our wild household too:) Welcome to my world!