Monday, September 13, 2010

No Place Like Home

I started homeschooling 2 years ago, this is my third year. Everything seems to be falling in place. I'm familiar with our schedule. The kids know what to expect of me and I know what I can expect from them. I know the field trips and clubs and groups enough to pick and choose what is best for my kids and our schedule. I went to a kick of meeting for Haven home school support group. This group has supported me for now going on 3 years. It was so good to see so many people I knew and depend on for support and socialization. I'm so happy to be involved with them! My year is pretty much planned out. I feel well prepared. That is definitely a goal of mine this year to run my home smoother and to be more prepared and purposeful with our schooling with the children. After all, they are the reason we home school. To raise our children as God would have us to do in a godly environment equipping them with the tools to face the world around them.

Derek came home today recharged with confidence that he could accomplish the goals he set for himself. He was overwhelmed at first with the load of football and AP classes. The load of homework and practice was almost too much. His desire for being more involved with church ministry was more of a priority to him. He got his progress report showing good grades and encouraged him that he could do it and is doing it well. Go Derek!!! He has recently taken up another organization at school to reach students with the love of Christ. They have asked him to be on the leadership committee already. What a praise. Pray that he will be able to handle it and that if a door needs to be closed that we will recognize it and submit to God's will.



  1. Good for you guys. What a great feeling for you and your kids. :)


    Yesterday was my most humbling in a loooonnnngg time!

    I might have to check HAVEN old group went a little loopy and starting having 'exposure' parties at the playground instead of normal playtime, and after Nattie got shingles (you can if you've had the chicken pox vaccine and then you are exposed to it!) we dropped out. We really haven't found any after that.

    Oh! I really enjoyed the egg-as-plantet idea in your previous're so creative!!

  3. Okay, that's PLANET...(always proof-read before sending!:-)

  4. Haha! I proofread most spellings but I'm positive my blog is full of grammer errors. Hey I'm only in 3rd and 4th
