Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Skiing Day 2

Well, I don't have pictures this morning. Yesterday I took a few but not alot. We had a lot of fun. Georgia, Derek, and Aaron are pros. Aaron just went on harder and harder trails. I'm so proud of him. He isn't afraid to challenge himself, or us for that matter.;) Georgia and Derek went pretty much where ever he suggested. I think Georgia only fell one time. Derek fell a little bit but he is snowboarding and that is quite harder than skiing. But he was pretty fearless and did all kinds of jumps. I went on a couple of harder slopes than yesterday(still super easy compared to others) The first one Aaron took us to, I was initially irritated. It looked hard and there really isn't any way to get out of it once you are there. The lift takes you there and the only way back is to ski or snowboard. So, I slowly inched my way to the beginning and then I took off. I was going way faster than I was comfortable with and I just BUT I made it and didn't fall. Aaron was really proud of me, and so was I. So, I tried a harder one. That one didn't turn out so well. I got going too fast and tried as hard as I could to slow down and just fell over-on purpose. The second time I tried that trail wasn't as graceful of a fall. My poles got tangled and I really don't know what happened. I crashed! My skis went flying, My poles went flying, I went flying, snow got up in my sweatshirt and down my bib! Aaron and Derek quickly came to my aid and asked if I was ok. I I didn't even know my skis were off till I looked at my feet. Then I spent the next few minutes trying to put my skis back on. That's not easy on a slope. I finished that trail just fine. I tried it a third time because, well, I'm stubborn. I fell again. I seriously thought about just sliding down the slope on my rear. Derek said that was ridiculous and I needed to put my skis back on.

JD was a different story. He did ok but still, it was too hard. Falling over and over and over was not his idea of fun. He just continued to have a rough time. I felt bad for him. The bottom of his pants tore(thankfully, they were from a thrift store and we didn't rent them), his gloves tore and filled up with ice, his goggles broke and he was so tired and sore. Aaron and I decided to see if he just wanted to ski today. He was soo excited to trade in the snowboard for skis. Skiing would only take him an hour tops to learn and then he could really enjoy the last day. He could stick with the bunny slopes and easy street. SO, Georgia and I are gonna work with him on that today. It should be fun!

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