Monday, February 7, 2011

Snow Day

Well, to our surprise we actually had a snow day! Every year at least once, the weather reporters forecast snow and then it never really happens. (not that it's their fault..heehee) This year we were beginning to wonder if it really would snow and if it would be enough to stick. We woke up at 4:30am and checked. Sure enough there was lots of snow. Just a dusting according to those who are from the north. It didn't matter! It was snow!! We bundled up over our jammies and went outside to see it and touch it. After about 15 minutes Aaron promised it would still be there in a few hours. We all needed to go back to bed. So we did.

About 7:30 Ian called to announce that the snow had arrived! I couldn't sleep any longer. I jumped out of bed and made everyone get up. "come play in the snow with me!", I shouted. Everyone slowly got up and dressed. JD and Derek promptly made snowballs. Georgia layed down to make her snow angel. Aaron and I were busy taking pictures. - Of all mornings, my batteries died in the camera. I used my phone to take as many as I could.

Then we all decided to go to the neighborhood park for the kids to play. All of the kids' friends were up and outside playing in it too. A dad went and brought out a board for the kids to slide down a street. (Aaron took a ride too:))They had so much fun. BUT, poor JD got a bloody nose from a snowball fight. After that, he came in to warm up and rest for quite awhile.

Aaron and I went home to warm up. Aaron had to work on his paper. I sat and watched the news coverage. The whole city was shut down. All I could say was,WOW!

Thank You God

1 comment:

  1. Super fun! Snow is snow, no matter how much. And it's still fun to play in when you're not used to it. I love that you guys got out in the middle of the night (4:00 AM is still the middle of the night) to enjoy it. So much fun!
