Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Tonight Aaron is recovering at the surgical center. He had his knee surgery this morning and they are keeping him overnight for observation and to get him going on physical therapy right away. He is doing ok and they are giving him medication to relieve the pain. They immediately placed his leg in this machine that moves his leg back and forth. They also have a neat electronic ice pack that keeps the cool pad cold constantly.

It has been and still will be a juggle to make sure the kids are taken care of but God has really worked those details out. I was slow to make those arrangements because I really didn't want to impose. But the night before the surgery my dear friend Michelle called to check on whether I had made arrangements for the kids because she knew Aaron's surgery was scheduled for today. God bless her!! She offered to have them and I agreed. I also was able to make arrangements with another good friend Nia to take care of them while he was at his physical therapy appointment tomorrow. God has really answered prayers even before I asked. What a load taken off my shoulders. Both families are homeschoolers so that is perfect for my home schooled children. They were able to do school work today!

In the end I made the decision to come home, get the kids, do a little house work, make dinner, and then go back to see Aaron. He didn't really need me much in the hospital, he needed to sleep. I loved seeing him tonight, miss him already...But I had to get home and put the kids to bed and do the dishes and so on. Wow! I'm a grown up making rational decisions. Not too long ago I would have insisted on staying with him all day and making a fuss over him and truly getting on his nerves...lol. I love him and can't wait to have him home and I can fuss over him here:)

Thank you God for always taking care of us and seeing the big picture before I do.

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