Monday, February 13, 2012

Food for the Poor

Many of you already know that our family is going on a mission trip this summer with members of our church. Many of you have already shared with us your support financially and/or with prayer, for that we are so very thankful!!We are really excited about this mission and the opportunity to be a part of the team. We will be working with Food for the Poor. They will show us the needs of the people and how we can serve to help meet those needs. I will use my blog to keep everyone posted on the journey we will be on for the next several months. I would like to share a video of a similar mission trip. It is a short term mission trip to Jamaica. We are not going there but the set up is the same and you will get an introduction to Food for the Poor.

Please stay tuned for more updates. I will blog about everything I can. And always, keep us in your prayers.

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