Wednesday, March 21, 2012

From One Phase to the Next

Boy, we have had a great year so far! We went from mascot and basketball to mascot and baseball/softball. Whew!! This is the season I love the most with the kids. I want to take a look at the old and what is next.

Derek had a great year as one of the mascots for his school. He really out did himself with each creative and spirited skits. He tried tumbling with the cheerleaders and it turns out, he's really good at it. He started with a back handspring and moved on to a tuck and worked on landing a layout. If you don't know what that means, it means awesome! He and the other wonderful mascot tried out and made it!! Their hard work paid off! What a fun senior year it will be for them next year. They have been told buy administration they are the best mascots the school has ever had!! He is also an umpire for the baseball and softball games. He makes great pocket change and he is still involved in the baseball season. (bonus? He drives himself!!!)

JD had a great season of basketball. They really came together as a team and learned soo much. They began to really learn plays and skill. It was really fun!! He was praised by the coach for his hard work and major improvement. His party included a game of basketball fathers vs dads! He then got out all his baseball equipment and prepared for his baseball season. He is playing for the school team. They have begun practice and games are soon to come. I can't wait to see the season start and JD's strengths. He is super excited!!

Georgia also had a great season! The girls really enjoyed the game which worked in there favor. Proving it does not just have to be about plays. She even showed some of aggression in the games and we told her that she needed to control that so she can also still play well. She displayed great self-control when the aggression was directed at her. She was such a valuable player! But now it is time for her favorite sport!! (mine too :)) She has really grown in her skills. They have put her as catcher and did well. Lots of practice will make her better. In her first game she got a single and a double. What a great game!!!

I'm very proud of there accomplishments! They work hard and play well. I love this time of year and can't wait to see what it brings!!

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