Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Baseball and softball season has officially started. This is one of my favorite things to watch!! I'm a proud mama. Derek is earning extra cash as an umpire. I love to watch him but he and Aaron think it is weird to just go to watch him ump a game. Who goes to a game to watch the umpire..lol.  I sneak a peak if Georgia is playing on a field near by..heehee. Georgia's season started in the middle of March. JD just started. They are both off to a great start!! Georgia has started catcher at three out of four games. Second base is mostly where she is if she is not catcher. Today, she pitched her first game of the season! Boy was she excited!! She did really well. She needs more practice but overall did great. Georgia even got a strike out! They both are doing outstanding at batting. JD was able to show off his strong batting skillz in his first game. Impressing us and his coach! When he hits that ball, it goes far. He scored right away!! Here are some pictures so far. I will continue to brag since I am so proud!

You wish you threw like a girl!
Be a wall!!
Proud of their victory!!
By the way, I'm good at this, Back up!

Bring it!

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