Thursday, July 5, 2012

Exciting Update on Haiti Mission!

We have been praying as you have been as well! One of many prayers would be for God to show us what we would be doing in Haiti and how to accomplish this mission. Our team originally teamed up with Food for the Poor however we were unable to get a clear itinerary and felt uncertain that we should move forward with them. We want to be good stewards of the financial gifts given for this mission and good stewards of our time and talents. Through several people in the Lutheran church we have made and formed a new partnership for our team!! We are so very excited about this!!!

We now have a plan! We have members of our team that will run an eye glasses clinic to provide glasses for those in need. I can't imagine not being able to see. They have a boys home that houses boys from ages 3 to 23. They take them in, clothe them, feed them, and educate them. Our boys will help with maintenance on the buildings like painting and such. We learned they have not had a VBS program in years! We decided to put on VBS for them. I am writing the program, others are doing crafts, snack, and games. Our them is "Jesus loves me". Our object is to replace the fear they have that comes from Voodooism with the love of Christ!! God is big and powerful. I can't wait to see him work in such a powerful way! One way they worship is through a lot of music and prayer. I can't wait to see us worshiping the One True God in different languages!!

Please continue to keep our team in your prayers. God hears them and has answers for them!!
I will keep you posted.

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