Saturday, July 31, 2010


Well, you have met my husband's side of the family. Here is an introduction to part of my side of the family. Keyshires?! Keyes, Scrimshire, King, and put it altogether....there you have it. Melissa and I are sisters to the core! (King) Ian is my awesome nephew, and Melissa's son (Sides). My mom met her wonderful handsome beau Chuck. She was swept off her feet! (Keyes) When they got married I got the biggest brother ever and a beautiful sister-in-law! Claudia and Zak! This was our first picture together- ever I think. But, we are missing Aaron. He had to work. We got together to take this picture for my great aunt Francis's 90th birthday! Happy Birthday! You would never guess she is 90!! I hope I look that great at 90! ...Yes, Aaron, I'm going for 90:)!

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