Monday, August 2, 2010

Brace yourself JD

Today JD had his braces put on. His dentist recommended braces now before his adult molars come in. This helps his permanent teeth in the front and middle to make space for his molars before they come in. His teeth are already crowded, so waiting till he is 13 or 14 would mean he would need teeth pulled. Doing this now allows them to stretch his jaw to make room for all of his teeth. He will be in them about a year. We are excited about this because it will save us time, money, and JD will be out of braces and have beautiful teeth for middle school! Sounds like a win/win!

1 comment:

  1. Ugh, having braces is the worst! But it definitely pays off in the end. Better to do it early and have a beautiful smile for the rest of your life! :)
