Monday, July 19, 2010


I am excited to share my blog with my friends and family! We keep ourselves quite busy. Each one of us has exciting things going on. I'm so proud of our home. We are pretty intentional when it comes to our lifestyle. We look to Christ to lead our home and guide our relationships. I look forward to sharing it. I have some cousins that enjoy blogging. I have been able to keep up with what is going on with them through their blog. Sounds like a great way to keep in touch! I look forward to sharing about my walk with Christ, my husband, my children, my crazy world. My husband is a San Antonio Firefighter and studying to be a pastor. I have a teenage boy navigating his way through high school. My second son is 9 and is quite the Star wars expert and clone of my husband. I have a daughter that is 8 and has an artistic and wild personality. We stay pretty involved with our church. Surprisingly we have animals that survive our wild household too:) Welcome to my world!

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