Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Back to School!

Tonight was full of school excitement just as so for many other students in our area. Tonight for many kids is the night before school starts. The kids were well fed and tucked in early for bed. They were tired too. Asleep before 9:00! They have many thoughts running through their brains. Excitement to move up to the next grade, the smell and fun of buying new school supplies, the start of our clubs and co-ops, and reuniting with school friends. However, dred is also present. Dred of school work, schedules, and responsible expectations. Overall, we are ready for the transition.

Derek goes back to school on Monday. Football alone is exciting. Ram pride, school friends, and the thrill of a good football game. He is in all honors classes that require summer reading assignments that are due on the first day of school. He will be sooo glad when he is done with that. He is determind to be more organized and successful this year. ( He did awesome last year!) Go Derek!
I feel excited too! I am ready. So ready to be in a routine again. I am excited to begin a new cirirculum and see the kids move forward acedemically. I look forward to this year with Derek. He is a sophmore and ready to start figuring out how to look for colleges and make this year count. JV football isn't easy and he will have to balance that and his classes, and the distractions of girls. He is super involved at church and is on the youth leadership committee. He desires to be an active part in the shaping of our youth program. I pray that he will honor God in his daily life and God will guide him with his priorities. We also pray that God will help us as parents to gear him in the right direction and help him decide when and what to focus on. His relationship with God comes first and then school. Everything else is extra. I feel blessed to be at home and so involved in my children's up bringing.
The way I see it is, we as parents have 18-21 years of bringing them up the way the Lord intended. After that they are on their own with their own choices. That could be up to 60 to 70 years or so. We have them for a short period of time compared to the rest of their lives. I want us to make it count. Sacrifices now make a have a huge impact on their lives and the lives of the families they will eventually raise.
God is good.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, God is good. I agree. What a great way to end a post.

    I'm so proud of Derek (and all your kids...). I know this will be a great year for him. He's really growing up and maturing and making real decisions. Besides, he's totally gunna own that football field! :)
