Saturday, August 21, 2010

How do you do that?

I get asked alot how do we do our homeschooling? Well, it all begins with prayer of course. Doing this without God's blessing makes life as a whole unimaginable. Aaron gives us the support we need as well. I do my research on curriculum. I chose curriculum to fit the needs of both kids. This is our 3rd year, although I do not claim to be an expert, I am confident in their strengths and weaknesses. They are both very smart. JD is great at math but it is not his favorite. He loves reading and science. Georgia loves math and is sharp with it. She is very artistic. Both enjoy history. Some of the subjects they can do together. Some are different according to their grades. JD is in 4th grade and Georgia is in 3rd grade.

Our day starts at 8:30 (7:30 if you count breakfast and chores).
Bible- together
Math drills-together
Math lessons and assignments seprate- alternated with Spelling
we take a break

Then we do English with reading
We alternate History and Science every other day.
And then lunch.
Hopefully we get done by 1:00 but if not we take our lunch break and keep going till we get done.

They also participate in a Science Co-op with other homeschoolers, Book club, girls club, boys club, and various field trips. They look forward to art contests, science fair, and did a 4H project last year.

This year will be busy as well. We are excited and ready to move forward.

Derek has quite a full plate too. Thankfully with our activities during the day, we are free at night to devote some time to Derek. He is an honor student and that requires lots of support and study time. Football is an activity that he loves and is passionate about. He is an active student leader in our youth program at school. I'm excited to be an adult leader with him as another way to stay connected with him (untill it becomes uncool to have mom around). We are very blessed that he is so close to us. Late night talks comes along with the territory of teenagers.

These pictures are of new hair cuts for the school year (since the pool did a number on their hair) and of them doing stuff to get organized for this year.

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