Thursday, December 30, 2010

This morning in my devotion time I read in God's Word a passage that really made me think. Matthew 11:28 says "Come to me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.-NIV. I thought this was good timing to hear that because really for Christmas I wanted peace. Peace is something that is brought up all the time during the Christmas season. Yet, lots of people do not experience peace at all.

Whether you stole a candy bar when you were little, cheated on a test, lied to your boss,didn't pay bills on time causing bad credit, etc., it can ruin the feeling of peace. Some are haunted by the guilt of sin and weighed down by its consequences. I thought about it this morning because I met someone that has lost hope. Sometimes we are the ones to experience this loss of peace because someone else wronged us. I can go to the Father on my knees for wrong doings (sin) that I have committed. That's not an easy refuge for someone who doesn't understand why life has turned out so bad because of someone else. I don't really have an answer for that. No one does. But God calls us to him regardless. He is our ONLY hope. He gave us life and He is the only one to give us hope. Every time we fall into the pit of despair we need to reach for him even if we have never reached for him before. Solutions that seem to throw down a rope for us will only make it worse. We will try to climb out only to find that the rope was not tied down and will let us go. Therefore we fall deeper.

I watched as the rest of the world did when the miners were rescued. One by one they each got into the harness, securely strapped in, and pulled to safety. I imagine that God gives that to each of us. Sometimes He does that several times. There is no reason that only happens once. We don't sin just once. We sin over and over. When we call on His name he rescues us over and over. That is forgiveness. We are ultimately forgiven once and for all. Faith is what keeps us close to him. Aaron told me once, if you worry that you don't have enough faith, just that thought alone says you do. You wouldn't worry about it if you didn't care.

I encourage you if you are one feeling hopeless, to read Psalm 88. It is a picture of what despair looks and feels like. This is not a new feeling. People felt this way in biblical times too. I could type it out but not only would that make this post long:/ I want you to seek out His word on your own. Sometimes opening the Bible when you are falling apart is the beginning of healing. Then read Psalm 46. God is always there to help and rescue us. Let him.

I did get peace for Christmas. The reminder that Peace comes from my Father. He sent that peace in the form of a baby. Jesus our Lord was born and died on the cross to give us ultimate peace. I may have earthly peace every now and then but eternal peace comes from Him. My faith, also given to me by Him, in Him is my peace.

1 comment:

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