Thursday, February 17, 2011

The House That Built Me

Miranda Lambert has an amazing song out named, "The House that Built Me". I love that song! Every time I hear it and sing along I think about that house and how much it meant to whoever wrote it. I think about the kinds of memories I have that built me. My Mom and Dad moved often. I have memories that are dear to me even in those temporary homes.

I would have to say the house that I am truly emotionally attached to is my grandparents house. That home was a constant in my life as I grew up. I remember their old dog George that would jump on the bed to help my grandma wake me up, who later ran away.(the dog, not my grandma) I remember the goldfish in the back bedroom that seemed to live forever. I remember how the carpet felt on my toes. I remember the toys we played with that were unlike any other toys. I know all my cousins remember playing with hairspray caps, vitamin bottles, Christmas cards, tether ball, and toys that I am positive were from my mother's time...a rocking chair that still sits waiting for a little one to enjoy and big ones to see if they still fit. In the coat closet you could find the special toys that required permission. Lincoln Logs in the original can, pick up sticks, and many others that made more of a mess. I remember trying to fall asleep in the big living room knowing Santa would soon be there. At every sink to this day is Dial soap. In the bathroom are some perfume jars that I still wonder....what is in there. They have been there for at least 30 years! My cousins and I all ate from the same colored plastic trays and cups with our names on them.

I got lots of hugs and kisses. Many birthday parties and Christmas get togethers to this day are held there. The same curtains still hang where so many pictures have been taken of importance. (graduations and birthdays) I remember the tense evening I told my grandparents I would soon be a mother myself. Though it was a unexpected change in life, days later they brought me the crib that nursed so many babies in their home. Now, mine would be introduced to that love and care. This house is where my oldest son sat on the counter for his first haircut. And, like I did, loved to lay down at the top of the hill in the backyard and roll down till he was dizzy.

Miranda Lambert says in her song, if she could just touch this place the brokenness inside her just might start healing. My healing came and still comes from Jesus Christ. As my life began to take shape and God's path for me began to be more clear I began to cling to God for security instead of this house. However, I am still comforted every time I step on the porch, that this feels like the home I grew up in. These are just a few of the memories I have of the house that built me. I know that the Lord is who really built me. But, I am thankful for the blessings like these that help shape me and my children.

I love the soft hands you have Grandma when you scratch my back! Grandma, I love the memory we both have of our invisible dog. I love how your hearing aid whistles at us when we hug you Grandpa! And, how you always say, "come back to see us" even if we are not at your house! heehee! I love you Grandma and Grandpa!


  1. I love this Amy!! I seriously got goosebumps reading it. <3

  2. I adore you Amy! After being in that house, I can literally see all the things you've talked about! I will never forget the moment when I looked up and saw Georgia building a tower out of those vitamin bottles...priceless!! I also wondered what was in those perfume bottles... I hope that my children will be able to sit in that same rocking chair one day! I love your love for your family, so glad I can be a part of it!
