Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Extreme Couponing

Well, Extreme Coupon Ladies are very popular. If you have seen the shows on the new series on TLC, I'm sure you are blown away! I can't help but ask how do you do that?!! I was introduced to this idea while I was in Tennessee by Madison. She seemed to have it down to a science. That is exactly it. Super organized and money smart women are saving alot and even making money sometimes. Some of them appear to go too far. They buy things they don't need. For instance,diapers when they do not have children, or 77 bottles of mustard ( I mean, really?) But I give them credit for saving and being prepared.

So, I'm gonna give it a shot. I've done alot of reading and watched videos on how to do it. I clipped 3 newspapers in coupons (which is only a small start from what I understand). I'm printing coupons from online, Read and circled all the sales and created a list based on what is on sale. I gotta test it myself. It's not costing more if I'm getting cereal and plenty of other things free just for shopping smart. I will keep you updated on how I do.:)


  1. Ok I love my coupons and regularly save $20-$30 on my 2 weeks worth of groceries, but I think TLCs Extreme Couponing show is boardering on hoarding. Really I mean bedroom closets full of cereal and 56 bottles of maalox?! To me its not saving if I dont need it, ya know? Why take up the space in my house and the item from someone who my actually need it. Ok so thats my soapbox. That show makes us moms that are trying to get by, look like freaks :-) Good luck on your new adventure and let me know if you find anything that really helps.

  2. I totally agree. I have never been good with coupons but if I can save alot and stock up on things we already use that would be good/ great! I think buying cat food when you don't have a cat is stupid, and really who needs that much Maalox, they should find a coupon for a doctor visit. But the worst was 77 mustards. No thank you...lol
