Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Oh NO!

It is 1:15 a.m. and my night is still not over. As I am typing we have men in our home sucking out water, ripping carpet out, and pounding on the walls to get the baseboards out. As we were watching TV tonight our toilet was busy pouring water all over the floor. I went to our room and first stepped on the soggy carpet with my barefeet! I looked up to see my room flooded! The water was up just over my feet. I assumed the toilet was the problem. I waded over to the water line and turned it off. Derek and I just looked at each other with really no expression. What do you say? We have been through much worse water damage before (in a different house), so I knew we needed to start moving everything on the floor.

Aaron couldn't do much to help. Most of you probably know about Aaron's accident. Last Friday, while at a concert, he slipped on a wet floor. He messed up his knee pretty bad. We have spent the last 5 days at the E.R., then a specialist, an MRI, and physical therapy. He sprained his MCL and completely tore his ACL. He will need surgery in a few weeks. So, he had to stay on the couch and keep his knee propped up. He was in charge of immediately calling the insurance company.

This has been a tough week. The kids have been great. Derek has been very helpful. Our family is very thankful for your prayers. We are praying that God will place a hedge around us, protecting us from further disasters.

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