Monday, August 23, 2010

The First Days of School

The exciting part of this blog is being a family journal. We can definately look back at good days for encouragement.

Today was Derek's first day of school. He went to bed early last night. -cell phone turned in by 9.I will begin by stating he chose to take a zero hour class. What that means is he is taking an extra class before school starts. Health is his zero hour class, and it begins at 7:30. That means he has to get up around 6 to get ready and eat. He is always really good about getting up on his own and getting going- always. He wanted me to get up early too(6 am) and make him pancakes for breakfast. Sure! I can do that. I didn't set my alarm and told him just to get me up when he got up. Again, he is always good about getting up on time. But not this morning. He set his alarm and forgot to turn it on. He ran in my room, freaking out, that he had 20 min to be in class! I jumped up and put on some flipflops and waited at the door. He came flying out. Poor guy, didn't even get to eat breakfast. I asked him in the car if he brushed his teeth, he sighed and said no- he's really good about that too. Thankfully I had a new tooth brush and toothpaste for JD since he is still learning to take care of his braces- he hadn't used it yet. I gave it to Derek to brush his teeth at school. Poor guy! I didn't know what to say, so I stayed quiet. I hope he has a good rest of the day.

JD and Georgia got started pretty good. I was able to make them pancakes. JD and Georgia decided to get their morning going on there own. They did their spelling at 7:45! That is one of the subjects they can do on their own and they wanted to get it out of the way. I won't argue with that. I got going with my morning routine(thanks to FlyLady). The kids were able to do the same. They had a great attitude for the most part. Georgia however flipped out when she saw the amount of math she had to do. Welcome to third grade! Last week we did alot of introductions stuff and review. This week is back in the swing of things. Georgia loved her English/Language lessons, while JD doesn't. They both enjoyed writing about green spagetti as a writing warm up. We made a bird feeder for science and concluded our day with reading. Whew! Overall, we had a good productive day.

I'm really excited to be back in a routine. I for sure will set my alarm to be sure Derek doesn't over sleep and he can have a good day. I'm sure it won't hurt to get an earlier start anyway. We already have our first field trip scheduled! KSAT 12 news station! I can't wait, they will have a great time!

That's it for now.

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