Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Getting organized

I have had a really productive couple of days to get my stuff organized before school. I have lots more to do. I have cleared all my baby books, updated new ones, and have most of my curriculum planned out. I cant wait. I look forward to getting back into a new routine. I hope (and I hope every year gets better) to be more organized. Last year was great. This year is a step up. No more baby lessons. They are 3rd and 4th grade. Reading and Math are a big jump. I am truely confident they will do well. I cherish these moments! I love watching them grow. Today, we went to the library. Because we studied Greek mythology, JD was intrested to read more about it and told me all about what he like about the book. That is definately rewarding to me. And to him. He enjoyed what he learned!!!Georgia looks forward to school starting! I love it!

I came across a website called Flylady. I love it. She starts out with baby steps to help you get your home organized. I am enjoying it. I am a nerd when it comes to that. I so desparately want to be organize yet can't stick with it. I truely want a clean house so I am not panicked every time someone comes by. Most people understand.

Thanks for hearing me vent:)

1 comment:

  1. Oh goodness, I LOVE Flylady! Totally have her book (although, I've never actually read it), get her emails, have a control journal made, have her sticky cling in areas of my house to remind me of things, have some others of her merchandise, etc.

    She revolutionized my life. I know that sounds silly, but putting me in control of our house instead of me running around on adrenaline to put out fires has changed everything. I call it the Dave Ramsey plan for women. It's all about baby steps and creating habits. I'm so glad you found her! Hope you're able to make her methods work great for you and your family!
