Friday, August 6, 2010

Odd timing

Tonight it is late. It is 1:00 a.m..I stayed up with my kids but as they fell asleep I began to really enjoy the silence. It's a silence I look forward to every night. I spend most of my day running full speed to meet their every need and sometimes their wants. I love that part most of the time but I enjoy my wind down time. Late at night is usually when I get that. Sometimes during the day I don't have the time or motavation to clean or organize my next day. Sometimes I am so tired I fall asleep easily. Other times I get an energy that sends me trying to catch up on needed housework. Tonight was one of those nights. I go to bed with a sense of satisfaction in what I accomplished. It is amazing what I can do late at night when it is quiet. I want to be the best Mom I can and keeping up with the house is really important to me. Sometimes that happens frequently and sometimes it doesn't. I am thankful that God gives me the strength to everything. Honoring God and my role as a mother is one of the greatest actions I can do. I have the best husband in the world. He prays with me and does his best to be patient with me. Thank you Aaron. I love my Lord, my husband, and my children.

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