Friday, September 10, 2010

Half Marathon???

About 3 weeks ago I went to a girls night ( you saw the girls night post earlier). At that time I chimed in to try to run a half marathon. What?! Yes, I did. So we started our run 3 weeks ago at about 5:30 a.m.. I started with 2 miles and walked about half a mile or so. I huffed and puffed and couldn't hear beyond my own Now I am up to 2.9 miles and can even talk a litte with them. On Labor Day we ran extra, I walk/ ran 5 miles. Angie and Ashley are great running partners and do alot of cheering me on. They are kind of used to running. I haven't ran in a couple of years and barely worked out.

Aaron has been quite surprised that I have been keeping up with it. It's a lot easier to do with friends!I don't know why I can't exercise with Aaron but I'm having fun with Ashley and Angie! Hey, I've had 3 kids and could stand to lose a few pounds. I look forward to getting healthier!

I'm not going for speed neccessarly but completion. But, if I'm gonna keep up than I have to get faster eventually. I'm doing pretty good though. I will keep ya'll posted on my progress!

God is good and expects us to keep up and take care of the body he gave us. I like to think Jesus is running with me and pushing me forward. It's nice to be up early and have the quiet time too when I get home.


  1. Go for it! The most I did was a 10k, then I got pregnant. Collin did his first half-marathon and loved it. He is doing a triathalon this weekend, then we head to D.C. so he can do the Marine Core Marathon at the end of October. It is such a great thing you are doing! Keep it up :D

  2. Good for you! I'm totally impressed! More than 2 miles already?? Definitely worth being proud of!
