Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Rita and Molly

Our beloved pets did super during our crazy amount of rain. It has been POURING for 2 days! They are in and out of the house mostly because Molly refuses to be potty trained. ( we have tried everything) We let them in and run around and especially in wet or cold weather. They are really good inside and listen to directions pretty good. With the exceptions of Molly's small accidents they are great. They do not bark, beg for food, or allowed on furniture( they don't even try). They are precious to us. Rita is 8 and Molly is 7. Don't they look adorable! Molly sometimes is groomed better than others but. They are great with the kids and love to wrestle around with them. Wonderful parts of our family.

1 comment:

  1. They look wonderful. Pets definitely finish out the family. Chester's always included as a member of ours! :)
