Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I'm finally able to sit with a clear mind as I write today. My mind as been completely been taken over by every aspect of our daily life. Because of this I have felt overloaded yet, life goes on. So much that each day before dinner time I have just had to take a small nap. My poor body just can't do it all sometimes. Today I finally feel refreshed. Not really sure why except we all need time to get caught up.

I started today differently. I made cinnamon rolls and we had breakfast out on the porch. It felt wonderful. We went to the grocery store and got a couple nuts and bolts that hold our meals together. Then around 9:00 we started our school day. Usually we start with Bible and move onto Math. Today we started with Science and Bible together. They are using their lapbooks. Lapbooks are an interactive way to answer review questions as I read the chapter to them. We are studying the planets and more specifically today, the sun.

After Science the kids did Spelling and then we moved on to Language/English. Math was next. JD is converting fractions and Georgia has just begun the basics of long division. It went really smoothly and I was thankful that the kids got along today.

I was able to get a lot done today after school. I graded papers, caught up on laundry, cleaned my bathroom and dresser, got ready for a meeting at church tonight and so on.

I am thankful that I was able to take advantage of a good productive day. I try really hard to take advantage of them because sometimes we have bad days. It does me no good to wallow about how far behind I am.

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