Thursday, October 14, 2010

Not So Happy Feet

Jd saw the doctor about his feet today. Apparently this doctor specializes in children so JD felt right at home. I was super proud of him as he told the doctor exactly of his woes. I didn't have to add anything. He's so good about speaking to adults! So the doctor says the tissue on his heal is super inflamed and he is walking to compensate for the pain. Because he has been dealing with this for awhile we will need to be more aggressive with exercises and an anti-inflammatory for the next couple of weeks. I was really excited that the doctor approved of his new tennis shoes. I got them at Target and hoped we didn't need "fancier" shoes. Doc says they are great. He did require a specific sole insert. That's ok, I expected that. We left confident that he would be back on his feet as normal.

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