Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Lost Maples

This is the perfect time of year to see the season's change in Texas. For us the closest most beautiful place is Lost Maples. We try to go every year but it didn't work out this year. SO..I thought I would show off our pictures from last year. It just makes me happy to see these pictures.

Derek wasn't with us because he had to be in school. The wonderful part of homeschooling is the flexibility to take the day off and enjoy day trips like this. So we packed our lunch and headed out there. When we pulled into the entrance to the park we saw a people who looked VERY familiar. The Davidsons! They are good friends of ours that we have known for years. It was an awesome day and even better spent with friends! We went hiking in this breath taking park and enjoyed hanging out with friends. We talked with JD and Georgia about all kinds of things to take note of, trees, little animals, leaves and so on. It was a super long hike but we made it. Then JD and Georgia slept all the way home. Looking back, I wish I would have just taken Derek out of school for the day.

God is so good and blesses us with his creations! Thank you Lord!

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