Saturday, November 13, 2010

Up and Down day

Today was a pretty good day. It had it's ups and downs. I started out with an early run of 2 miles at 6:45 am. Derek was supposed to run with me, since he has had a renewed sense of physical training challenge for football next year. However, it was too early for him and he chickened out. (I have also chickened out on my early runs at 5:30 am partners, so I guess I deserved it) Don't worry, I have made it up in the evening. I gotta keep going.

Then we had a church work day at 8:00. To my suprise Georgia worked really hard. JD did more playing and complaining. It is usually the opposite at home. I was pleasantly suprised by a quick visit with my mom. I love chatting with her. It was hard work but fun so it went by fast.

After that, we planned on heading out to spend the day in Poteet. However, those plans fell through. I had to make it up to the kids so I took them to a dollar movie. We finally saw Toy Story 3! It was great! Although it was tugging on my heart, I remained calm. Derek on the other hand cried. Georgia felt bad and reached over and rubbed his shoulder. Awe!! I expected more of a reaction from JD. When he was younger he was so animated with those characters. Buzz Light Year was his favorite. In his Buzz underoos he would jump of the edge of the couch and exclaim, "to infinity and beyond!!" with determination to save the world. Ahh! The memories...

Once that was over, Derek went with his friends bowling and we stayed home. I guess I was still in movie mode. I looked over the on demand list and came across Beezus and Ramona. We loved the books and decided to finish up our night curled up on the couch glued to the TV. It was also touching. Both JD and Georgia laughed and cried. At the end Georgia said,"I love happy endings, they make me smile." Awe! Me too!

Today was a good day.

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