Monday, November 29, 2010

Prayer Whales

We all like to go to theme parks. Here in San Antonio we have two nearby. We go maybe once a year. Derek, however, usually has a season pass to Fiesta Texas. It's a lot easier for him to just take off for a day with his friends or another family member. Most of his friends have them. This year we had an opportunity to purchase Sea World tickets for a discount. It was a fundraiser for the church and it included dinner and a special Shamu show with christian music! This was all a part of a conference our church was hosting for church workers. We were siked!

The weather was perfect! No jackets needed. We did go to Sea World earlier this year for a homeschool day. The disappointing part of that day was I forgot my memory card for my camera. NOT this time! I got to capture every moment I wanted. Shamu was waiting for us at the entrance for a picture. Derek talked of tackling the whale but he did no such thing. He insisted on taking the picture-he's too cool to be in it, you see...Oh, well. Thanks.

We moved on to feed and pet the dolphins. Jd and Georgia knew what to expect and acted like pros. It wasn't crowded so we really got to see the dolphins actually play. It really is neat to feel their skin. I finally got some decent pictures of the kids and this beautiful creatures!

Next, we headed out to meet up with Nana and Papa to ride the rollercoasters. JD was big enough to ride all of them. -and he did. Georgia was big enough for all but one. She only rode one... BUT she rode it eight times! The others were considerably bigger. Derek, JD, and myself loved the other rollercoasters and rode them several times. Even after we ate, we went back to ride the STEEL EEL 7 times! We had to see what it felt like to ride in the front, back and middle. We decided that the front is the definately the best seat! We then enjoyed other fun things like the Polar Express in 4D! Roaming around the park had all kinds of fun things to see and do!

I wish Aaron would have been able to ride with us but he had alot of work to do because he was the" go to" person for this church conference. We did get to eat together and sneek off to smooch under a massive mistleto. Totally worth it!! ;p

We ended the night with a beautiful praise and worship show. Finding a seat in the Shamu stadium is a big decision. Do you sit in the splash zone or not? Aaron, his parents, BJ and M'lel and myself decided to not be in the splash zone. JD, Georgia, and Derek sat right up front! Shamu led us in worship and Pastor Dan led us in prayer. Those killer whales are quite an amazing sight. How can you question God as our creator when you see great beauty such as that? Shamu showed off her beauty and strength with several great big splashes. JD and Georgia quickly realized they were not in the seats that maximized their splashability, so they moved. They quickly got in the right spot and enjoyed being drenched! Thankfully I had a sweater in my bag. Georgia was pretty cold.

Thank you God for moments like this. Thank you for the chance to pray with whales;)

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