Saturday, December 4, 2010

Good-bye Blackberry...

I have had my Blackberry 2 whole years!!! That is a long time for me. I have been taking pictures with it and never took the time to figure out how to put the pictures on my computer. So why did I do it now? Because my new phone is on the way and these were too precious to throw away.

I have 2 years of memories! I had 177 pictures on that phone! I didn't even know it could hold that many. I was amazed at how fast time has gone by. JD is a complete different size. Derek is alot taller. Georgia has matured even if her size is still small. Aaron and I are just goofy. Jenna had her babies. We went to SeaWorld and thank goodness for my phone because my camera card got left at home. I thought I would post some of my favorites. One of which is not a picture I took but one that was sent to me and I saved it. Rock on Grandma S.!!!

So...for now my phone is in hospice...waiting to be laid to rest for the final time...


  1. Go Grandma S!! That picture is priceless! So glad you captured it! :)

  2. Cathy took that picture when they were on their way to El Paso for the family reunion. Love it!
