Saturday, December 18, 2010

Kitchen Make-Over!!

Today I finally got the Christmas wish I have been desiring for long time. My whining has come to an end and my bragging begins. For over 6 months I have planned what I wanted to do with the paint color. I had definitely decided I wanted to get rid of the green and go with a lighter color. My friend Kris has done a great job with her kitchen so I asked her opinion. She suggested some shade of yellow. I was skeptical at first. I mentioned her wild idea to Aaron thinking that he wouldn't agree, however, he loved it! So then the hunt for the right shade began. Kris and I went to Home Depot and stared at the many choices. You see, yellow is not just yellow. We picked three prospects. I painted the samples on my wall in an area I could see anytime we passed the kitchen to see which one we liked. We quickly selected just the right color. Then the motivation stopped...for several reasons. When would we have time? Should we paint over the wall paper or take it down? Taking down the wall paper sounded so hard. But, painting over the wall paper sounded expensive. It would take alot of paint and primer to cover up the dark green. I have whined to all who would listen and procrastinate. I even had several people offer to help. But finally, Aaron asked me what I wanted for Christmas. I told him right away. All I wanted was 3 things. Two of the gifts I want every year and he faithfully delivers. The third was just to get the kitchen painted. I purposefully marked off today to paint. We got up bright and early and went right to work. My mom left our house this morning skeptical of our decision to paint over the wall paper. As Aaron started in a corner he noticed a bubble in the wallpaper. He took the risk and pulled it off. To our wonderful surprise it came down in huge sheets!!! Problem solved! Down with the green and up with the yellow. I truly feel like this space was transformed! I can't help but stare at it with a goofy grin of excitement every time I see it. We do have a couple of final touches but I am so impressed and satisfied. Thank you Aaron!!!Thanks to the kids for there hard work and participation even in the clean up!

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