Sunday, April 3, 2011

The Open Bible

Not long ago, I attended a youth event. Each child that was there had different reasons for being there. Some were there to socialize. Some to seek out God's heart. With teenagers it is very hard to tell. God was definitely working in their hearts whether they realized it or not. Each were told to bring a bible. The ones that did took a look around to see who actually brought them and would it be cool if they actually brought it to the sessions. We insisted they bring them.

Even though we insisted, they are teenagers and found ways of "forgetting it in the room". In one of those searches for "lost bibles" I came across a sight that sparked curiosity. In the courtyard was a bible left on a table. It wasn't just closed and left there. It was left open. I paused a moment. I waited to see if the owner had just stepped away. After a few minutes passed I approached the table. I have a strict personal rule to not read someone else's bible. I write notes in my bible that are intended for my eyes only, pertain to my relationship and conversations with God. That is personal. I don't read other people's bible either. So I just left it at that and walked away. I did not pick it up to see who it belonged to. I believe it was left there for a reason.

Getting the kids to truly open up about how they understood the lessons and how to apply it was tricky. Some were more vocal about it than others. The rest of the night I couldn't help but think about the bible open and alone. What was going on in the heart of the reader? What kind of issues were they dealing with? Were they believers? Were they seeking God's Word for a sense of encouragement? Were they just curious if it was in fact true? Was it left to be a ministry for anyone else who was searching?

I couldn't help but be encouraged. An open bible is still speaking God's unconditional love for us. During this time of Lent we are called to repentance. We all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. We have much to repent, not just in Lent. I am so thankful that we have a happy ending to the life God has set before us. I hope and pray that the open bible spoke loud and clear to the reader. I don't need to know who it was. It was a tool God used to speak to me. God is good, faithful and just.

Try one day to lay your Bible open and on the coffee table of kitchen table, where ever you see it. See what God has to say to you. It could change your life.

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