Thursday, August 12, 2010

Aaron's birthday!

Yesterday, my handsome husband turned 32! We went to lunch on Sunday after church to celebrate. Birthday boy chose an Indian restaurant:/. But it was new and interesting. He loved it, Georgia and I both tried several dishes, the boys mostly picked at their dishes. Yesterday we enjoyed an evening with our bible study.

Last night he finally got his birthday wish! oh, stop it....I tried Guinness beer. He was soo excited to enlighten me to this exciting experience. It was a great day for him.

At the firehouse it is a tradition that the birthday boy brings his own cake. I have made tons of cakes but only chocolate or white. He asked me to make a carrot cake. I didn't know anything about what was in it, well, except carrots-Hello. I don't even know how to run a food processor. I didn't get those instructions before he left so he had a good laugh trying to guide me through that over the phone. Yay! It came out great and Aaron said it was really good and said the guys all liked it too! Who knows, maybe I'll go outside of my baking comfort zone and try to make new stuff.

For his birthday his parents got him a hammock, camping grill, a christian T-shirt, and a chef hat. That hat was so fun! Aaron looked like the Swedish Chef from the Muppets! That hammock will come in handy for lots of reading for his classes!

We still have more celebrating to do on Sunday with my side of the family.
Happy Birthday Aaron!

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